Sunshine is diffuse; we can be very glad for that. Otherwise we would burn to a crisp, of
course. The further advantage is that it is universal. Even the Swedes
have sunshine ... or I wouldn't be here. Somehow my ancestors managed to
thrive in a climate where there was little or no sunshine for months at
a time in the winter. (They used solar energy exclusively. We can be at least as smart as our ancestors, don't you think?!)
So how do we handle diffuse energy sources? We use thin energy receptors. It's that simple. I was prompted to post this today when I saw a news article that explains it well:
Speaking of thin,
I suggest you watch this long video which explains in a very compelling
manner how ideas are formulated out of thin air and then propagated as
if they were real:
electricity is so magical that people have a hard time getting their
heads wrapped around it. Skeptics with an agenda can have a field day
with it because so few people have an idea how it works. (Did you know
that Einstein got his Nobel prize, not for relativity (e=mc^2) but for
the photoelectric effect, what we now call photovoltaics?!
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